Posts by Sharon Hunneybell

Attributes of Effective Ecosystem Leaders

It’s been 10 years since I first googled the term #startup. I was working as an IT business analyst for a company in Sydney when the software developer I was working with mentioned his cousin had got into Startmate. We were on the final sprint of a software release and were working late into the night. We stopped for a pizza break and he pulled up the pitch videos from the first Startmate cohort. As I watched, I felt this strange stirring inside me. “This is what we need to… Read More

Bridging the Gap to Business Growth

Coworking spaces are popping up everywhere, from art spaces to industrial spaces to beachfront spaces with board racks at the entrance – if you want to get out of your home office, shared spaces are a flexible and a low cost option for new businesses. For many entrepreneurs, remote workers and freelancers, a cool space to work with good vibes, free coffee and Friday afternoon drinks is all you need – but for those that have big goals in sight – those looking to develop groundbreaking technologies, break into international… Read More

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The key to a thriving startup community is YOU

“Are you above or below the line?” There is a well known method of challenging behaviours and encouraging personal accountability in business leadership referred to as ‘above or below the line’. The model is simple. Picture a horizontal line.  At any moment in time a person is metaphorically either above the line or below the line.  A leader operating above the line, is open, curious and committed to learning. When they fall below the line, they’re closed, defensive and insistent on being right. A conscious leader should, at any moment be… Read More

Necessity Entrepreneurs

When Creating a Business Is Your Only Choice As a supporter and driver of the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem I’ve spent a long time advocating for entrepreneurship to be recognised and supported as a career path in the same way that the traditional ‘get a qualification and get a job’ career path has always been. I’ve worked hard to help people of all ages, from 8 to 80, that have an idea that they are passionate or excited about to bring that idea into reality and ‘create their own career’…. Read More

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Setting Yourself Up For Success

This post will be one of many inspired by books that I have read over the past few years that have led to practices and habits that I have adapted into my own daily, weekly and monthly routines. While I still have a lot of work to do in perfecting my habits, when I look at my mental and physical health since implementing these practices, I am able to see a significant improvement, particularly when bundled together with other tools and concepts that have shifted long held perspectives, beliefs and… Read More

5 books to shift your thinking

I love to read, but finding time in a busy week to curl up on the sofa or to lay out on a beach towel with a good book isn’t always easy to do. With a growing pile of books on my bedside table, mid last year I decided to do something different. I swapped out my spotify playlist for an audiobook on my way to and from work each day. 20 minutes each way of learning about life, work and relationships rather than learning the lyrics to the current… Read More

My favourite way to kickstart the day

As an English lass, I’ve always been one for a nice cup of tea and there is no more soothing and delightful cup of tea than the first one poured in the morning. ‘It’s the best way to start my day’ I used to think to myself as I crawled back under the bed covers at 6am with the newspaper and a cup of Twinings English Breakfast. That all changed 6 weeks ago, when I attended my first ever silent meditation retreat. I went to the retreat to give my… Read More